A few days ago, we celebrated Mothers Day. Today, it comes at the back of our mind to honor successful and dynamic women personalities who have made a mark for themselves, despite performing dual roles –one as responsible housewife and other as a dutiful woman at her office. All over the world this day is celebrated for women who have been honored for their contribution towards society. Besides, also the ordinary women attending to household chores or the women on the street should have a feeling of pride on this day. Our Country too has been proud of the women who have contributed to society and the nation. We too salute them and pay respect for their dedication, hard work, courage – which acts as an inspiration.
Women who have succeeded in any field anywhere are controversial figures, and politics too is no exception to this rule. But, here the discussion is perhaps wider and deeper than the other fields with women’s liberation, since the argument ultimately focuses on the core values of a culture in the throes of runaway modernization.
All the same, the so called ‘Battle of Sexes’ goes beyond question of race, creed and politics. Men and women differ in all areas of their lives. Not only do they think, feel, perceive, react, respond, love, need and appreciate differently. They almost seem to be from different planets. Men are generally better at conceptualizing and getting the ‘big picture’, while women are better at work that requires accuracy.
Women have a more dependable ‘gut feeling’ and it helps them handle difficult situations and people in a finer manner. As far as comforting and counseling goes it is usually the females in the household who take care of the sick, and it is from this experience of informal health care that these skills are probably derived. Also, mother’s who have learnt to manage their homes, care for their children and see to their husbands needs have a better ability to handle several tasks at the same time than men.
Women social skills make them better suited to work in service organizations and fields than men. Hence, it is proved that women make better politicians than men as far as service to the masses is concerned. They are more patient and considerate to human feelings and problems. Also, a woman is expected to be kinder, softer and less businesslike. Hence, women politicians are less corrupt than men.
Today, with new economic pressures and the availability of education, the trend has been changing. Women have been occupying higher positions in various fields. Besides, traditional methods of upbringing – not just in India, but in many parts of the world – teach that a women place is in the home. But the latest breed of girls goes against these traditions of ‘mother’s place is the home’. If we want women to work and men to facilitate this, we must begin by changing attitudes at the earliest stage of socialization.
The increasing integration of Indian and Western cultures, combined with new economic pressures, has resulted in ever more Indian women entering the work force and climbing the corporate ladder.
The woman is the core of the family. Should the husband die, a family can continue, but it is very hard without the mother. In Arabic it is said that women are the ‘Ministry of the interior’. What it means is that a good mother is as essential to a good nation as she is to a good family.
A last word to women, “If you command respect and show you are just as competent and capable as a man, I don’t think any woman will have any problem in life.”
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